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A2 Reading exercises

Text 1: A2 Level – "Anna’s Daily Routine and Hobbies"


My name is Anna, and I am ten years old. I live in a small town with my mom, dad, and little brother. I want to share what a typical day in my life looks like, along with some of my hobbies.


Every weekday, my alarm rings at 7 o’clock. I wake up and start my day by brushing my teeth and washing my face. My mom is already awake and making breakfast. My dad is sitting at the kitchen table, reading the news. My brother is still sleeping, but he wakes up soon after. I quickly eat my breakfast, which is usually toast with jam and a glass of milk. After that, I get dressed in my school uniform.


At 8 o’clock, I leave the house and walk to school with my friends. We enjoy talking and laughing together on our way. School starts at 8:30, and our first class is usually math. I like math because I enjoy solving problems. After math, we have English. I am learning how to write short stories, which is fun.


At 10:30, we have a break. My friends and I go outside to the playground. We are playing a game of tag, and everyone is running around. The playground is full of noise and laughter. After the break, we go back to class. We study subjects like science, history, and art. Art is my favorite subject because I love drawing and painting.


At 12 o’clock, it’s time for lunch. I usually sit with my friends, and we chat while we eat. My mom packs me a healthy lunch every day. After lunch, we have more classes until 3 o’clock. When the school day is over, I either walk home or go to the park with my friends. We play there for an hour before going home.


In the afternoon, I do my homework. Right now, I am finishing a history project. My brother is playing with his toys, and my mom is cooking dinner. My dad is working from home today, so he is in his office, having a meeting. After I finish my homework, I get some free time. I enjoy reading books, drawing, or playing games on my tablet. I also like riding my bike in the park.


We have dinner at 6 o’clock. My family always eats together. After dinner, I help clean the dishes. Sometimes, we watch a movie together. My dad is picking the movie tonight. He loves action movies, but I prefer animated ones.


At 8 o’clock, I get ready for bed. I take a shower, brush my teeth, and wear my pajamas. My mom reads me a story before I sleep. Right now, she is reading a book about a girl who travels the world. I find it interesting. I close my eyes and imagine myself going on adventures too. I fall asleep around 8:30, ready for a new day tomorrow.




  1. What time does Anna wake up?

  2. What does Anna usually eat for breakfast?

  3. How does Anna get to school?

  4. What is Anna’s favorite subject?

  5. What does Anna do during her break at school?

  6. Who packs Anna’s lunch?

  7. What time does school end for Anna?

  8. Where does Anna sometimes go after school?

  9. What does Anna do when she gets home from school?

  10. What is Anna’s mom doing while Anna does her homework?

  11. What does Anna’s family do after dinner?

  12. What kind of movies does Anna like?

  13. What time does Anna go to bed?

  14. What is Anna’s mom reading to her at bedtime?

  15. What does Anna dream about when she sleeps?



Text 2: A2 Level – "Liam’s Life with Max"


My name is Liam, and I have a special friend named Max. Max is my pet dog. He is a small, brown dog with big, floppy ears and a wagging tail. Max is three years old and full of energy. I want to tell you about what life is like with Max and how we spend our days together.


Every morning, I wake up to find Max sleeping on his bed. He is always a bit lazy in the morning, but as soon as he sees me, he gets excited. Max jumps up, wags his tail, and runs to me. I greet him with a big hug. My mom is usually in the kitchen, preparing breakfast. Max knows that this means he is going to get his breakfast too. He waits near the kitchen, watching my mom closely.


Max loves food, especially his breakfast. I give him his bowl of dog food every morning before I go to school. Max eats very quickly, almost as if he is always hungry! After breakfast, I get ready for school. Max follows me everywhere, from my room to the bathroom and back to the kitchen. He doesn’t want to leave my side. When it’s time for me to leave, Max sits by the door, looking a little sad. I wave goodbye to him and promise to come back soon.


During the day, while I am at school, Max stays at home. My mom tells me that Max is a very well-behaved dog. He spends most of his time sleeping or playing with his toys. Max has a favorite toy, a small red ball. He loves to chew on it and often brings it to my mom, hoping she will play with him. My mom sometimes throws the ball for Max, and he runs to catch it. He is very fast and always brings the ball back, ready for more.


When I come home from school, Max is always there to greet me. He gets very excited when he sees me, jumping up and down and barking happily. After I put my school bag away, I take Max to the park. Max loves the park more than anything. He runs around, chasing birds and other dogs. I bring his red ball with me, and we play fetch. Max is very fast and always catches the ball. He brings it back to me, wagging his tail and ready to play again.


At the park, we sometimes meet other dogs. Max is very social and loves to make new friends. He runs and plays with the other dogs, chasing them and having a great time. After we finish playing, we walk home. Max is usually tired by then, so he lies down on his bed to rest while I do my homework.


In the evening, we have dinner. Max sits near the table, hoping for some food. My mom sometimes gives him a little treat, but she reminds me that too many treats are not good for him. After dinner, Max and I relax on the sofa. We watch TV together, and Max sits on my lap. He is very soft and warm, and I enjoy having him close.


At night, it’s time for bed. Max goes to his bed, and I go to mine. I say goodnight to him, and he curls up to sleep. I know he dreams about all the fun we had during the day. Max is more than just a pet to me; he is my best friend, and I love him very much. We have many adventures together, and I can’t wait for our next one.




  1. What is the name of Liam’s dog?

  2. How old is Max?

  3. What color is Max?

  4. What does Max do when Liam wakes up?

  5. Who makes breakfast in the morning?

  6. What does Max love to eat?

  7. Where does Liam take Max in the afternoon?

  8. What game does Liam play with Max at the park?

  9. How does Max feel when Liam comes home from school?

  10. What does Max do while Liam is at school?

  11. What is Max’s favorite toy?

  12. What does Max do after playing in the park?

  13. Where does Max sit while Liam watches TV?

  14. What does Liam do before going to bed?

  15. How does Liam feel about Max?



Text 3: A2 Level – "Emma’s Beautiful Garden"

My name is Emma, and I am ten years old. I have a garden behind my house, and it is one of my favorite places to be. My garden is not very big, but it is full of beautiful flowers and plants. Every morning, I go outside to take care of my garden. The sun is shining brightly, and the birds are singing in the trees. It is a peaceful and happy place.


In my garden, I grow several kinds of flowers. There are red roses, yellow tulips, and white daisies. I water the flowers every day to keep them healthy and strong. Right now, I am watering the roses. My mom is also in the garden, planting new flowers. She loves gardening as much as I do. My dad is mowing the lawn, making sure the grass is neat and tidy. We all enjoy working together in the garden.


There is a small bench in my garden where I like to sit and relax. After I finish watering the flowers, I sit on the bench and watch the birds and butterflies. The butterflies are flying around the garden now, landing on different flowers. They make the garden look even more beautiful. I enjoy watching them as they move from flower to flower.


In the afternoon, I spend time playing in the garden. I run around and enjoy the fresh air. My mom is picking flowers to put in a vase. She always arranges them beautifully and places them on the kitchen table. My dad is still working on the lawn, making sure it looks perfect. I help my mom arrange the flowers, and we talk about how lovely the garden is.


As the evening comes, I go back to my garden to enjoy the sunset. The sky turns orange, pink, and purple, and the flowers look magical in the soft light. I water the plants one last time before heading inside. My mom and dad are sitting on the bench, talking and relaxing after a day of work. I join them, and we enjoy the quiet evening together.


At night, when I am in bed, I think about my garden. I dream about the flowers, the birds, and the butterflies. My garden is a special place, and it makes me very happy. I love taking care of it every day and watching it grow and change. It is a place where I can relax, play, and enjoy nature. I can’t wait to see what new surprises my garden will bring tomorrow.




  1. Where is Emma’s garden located?

  2. What types of flowers does Emma have in her garden?

  3. What does Emma do every morning in her garden?

  4. Who helps Emma in the garden?

  5. What is Emma’s dad doing in the garden?

  6. Where does Emma like to sit in her garden?

  7. What animals does Emma see in her garden?

  8. What is Emma doing right now in her garden?

  9. What does Emma’s mom do with the flowers she picks?

  10. How does Emma feel when she is in her garden?

  11. What time of day does Emma play in her garden?

  12. What does the sky look like in the evening?

  13. What does Emma dream about at night?

  14. What does Emma do before she goes inside in the evening?

  15. Why is the garden special to Emma?

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