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Personal pronouns (persoonlijke voornaamwoorden)

1. Fill in the blanks with the correct personal pronoun (10 exercises)

  1. __________ is my best friend. (She/He)

  2. John and I went to the park. __________ had a great time. (We/They)

  3. __________ loves playing football. (They/He)

  4. Can you give this book to __________? (me/you)

  5. __________ is my favorite teacher. (She/It)

  6. The students are waiting. __________ are in the classroom. (They/We)

  7. My mom and I went shopping, and __________ bought many things. (we/she)

  8. The dog is hungry. __________ needs food. (It/They)

  9. __________ will be late for the meeting. (We/They)

2. Rewrite the sentences using personal pronouns (10 exercises)

  1. Mary and Tom are going to the party.

    • __________ are going to the party.

  2. The car is parked outside.

    • __________ is parked outside.

  3. Sarah is talking to John.

    • __________ is talking to __________.

  4. The students love their new teacher.

    • __________ love __________ new teacher.

  5. Tom gave the book to Susan.

    • __________ gave the book to __________.

  6. My brother and I are going on a trip.

    • __________ are going on a trip.

  7. The teacher helped the boys with the project.

    • The teacher helped __________ with the project.

  8. I saw Anna and Lucy at the mall.

    • I saw __________ at the mall.

  9. The cat is sleeping on the couch.

    • __________ is sleeping on the couch.

  10. David and John are playing tennis.

    • __________ are playing tennis.

3. Choose the correct pronoun (10 exercises)

  1. Sarah is coming over, and __________ will bring pizza. (she/her)

  2. Can you tell __________ the way to the station? (me/I)

  3. __________ went to the movies yesterday. (He/His)

  4. The kids were playing outside, and __________ were having fun. (they/them)

  5. __________ am planning to go to the beach this weekend. (I/Me)

  6. Jack and __________ are going to the store. (I/me)

  7. Will you come with __________? (me/I)

  8. This is __________ new laptop. (her/she)

  9. __________ is my best friend. (He/Him)

  10. Can __________ help you with your homework? (she/her)

4. Replace the nouns with personal pronouns (10 exercises)

  1. The teacher gave the students homework.

    • __________ gave __________ homework.

  2. My sister and I love going to the movies.

    • __________ love going to the movies.

  3. The dog chased the ball.

    • __________ chased __________.

  4. Tom and Mary are having dinner.

    • __________ are having dinner.

  5. The book is on the table.

    • __________ is on the table.

  6. The boys are playing soccer.

    • __________ are playing soccer.

  7. I saw Anna and Lisa at the park.

    • I saw __________ at the park.

  8. My brother and I are studying.

    • __________ are studying.

  9. The cat is drinking milk.

    • __________ is drinking milk.

  10. Mary is calling her mother.

    • __________ is calling __________.

5. Correct the incorrect usage of pronouns (10 exercises)

  1. Me am going to the store.

    • __________ am going to the store.

  2. Him loves pizza.

    • __________ loves pizza.

  3. Us are playing a game.

    • __________ are playing a game.

  4. Me and Jane went to the park.

    • __________ and Jane went to the park.

  5. Them are my friends.

    • __________ are my friends.

  6. He gave the book to I.

    • He gave the book to __________.

  7. Her likes reading books.

    • __________ likes reading books.

  8. Us went to the movies yesterday.

    • __________ went to the movies yesterday.

  9. Them are playing outside.

    • __________ are playing outside.

  10. The teacher gave we homework.

    • The teacher gave __________ homework.

Possessive pronouns (bezittelijke voornaamwoorden)

1. Fill in the blanks with the correct possessive pronoun (10 exercises)

  1. This car belongs to me. It’s __________. (my/mine)

  2. That bag is not hers; it’s __________. (my/mine)

  3. These books belong to the children. They are __________. (theirs/them)

  4. This house belongs to my parents. It’s __________. (theirs/our)

  5. I forgot to bring my jacket. Can I borrow __________? (your/yours)

  6. This phone is mine, and that one is __________. (your/yours)

  7. The blue scarf belongs to Anna. It’s __________. (her/hers)

  8. The cat is not ours; it’s __________. (their/theirs)

  9. That pen belongs to John. It’s __________. (his/he)

  10. I like this coat, but I prefer __________. (her/hers)

2. Choose the correct possessive pronoun (10 exercises)

  1. That seat is __________. (my/mine)

  2. They forgot to bring __________ keys. (their/theirs)

  3. I’ll bring __________ books tomorrow. (my/mine)

  4. This is our house, and that one is __________. (their/theirs)

  5. Whose shoes are these? Are they __________? (your/yours)

  6. My bike is broken, so I’m using __________. (her/hers)

  7. I didn’t bring __________ umbrella today. (my/mine)

  8. The blue car is __________, and the red one is his. (ours/our)

  9. The responsibility is __________. (her/hers)

  10. He lost __________ phone. (his/he)

3. Rewrite the sentences using possessive pronouns (10 exercises)

  1. This is the house that belongs to me.

    • This house is __________.

  2. The red car belongs to Sarah.

    • The red car is __________.

  3. The tickets belong to them.

    • The tickets are __________.

  4. These shoes belong to John.

    • These shoes are __________.

  5. That laptop belongs to you.

    • That laptop is __________.

  6. The green bag belongs to us.

    • The green bag is __________.

  7. This scarf belongs to Lisa.

    • This scarf is __________.

  8. The apartment belongs to my brother and me.

    • The apartment is __________.

  9. The responsibility belongs to her.

    • The responsibility is __________.

  10. The phone belongs to him.

    • The phone is __________.

4. Replace the underlined words with possessive pronouns (10 exercises)

  1. This is my book.

    • This book is __________.

  2. Those are her shoes.

    • Those shoes are __________.

  3. These are their toys.

    • These toys are __________.

  4. This is our car.

    • This car is __________.

  5. That is his coat.

    • That coat is __________.

  6. The house belongs to me.

    • The house is __________.

  7. The keys belong to them.

    • The keys are __________.

  8. This dog belongs to us.

    • The dog is __________.

  9. The computer belongs to you.

    • The computer is __________.

  10. These glasses belong to her.

    • These glasses are __________.

5. Match the possessive pronouns to the correct sentences (10 exercises)

  • Mine, Ours, Yours, Theirs, His, Mine, Hers, Hers, Theirs, His


  1. This book belongs to me. It is __________.

  2. The blue house belongs to them. It is __________.

  3. This is his car. It is __________.

  4. The cat belongs to her. It is __________.

  5. This is our project. It is __________.

  6. The umbrella belongs to you. It is __________.

  7. The keys belong to them. They are __________.

  8. This jacket belongs to me. It is __________.

  9. This is her bag. It is __________.

  10. That notebook belongs to him. It is __________.

Grammar be and have

1. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of "be" (10 exercises)

  1. She __________ a teacher. (am/is/are)

  2. We __________ happy to see you. (am/is/are)

  3. They __________ at home today. (am/is/are)

  4. He __________ tired after work. (am/is/are)

  5. I __________ a student. (am/is/are)

  6. The children __________ very excited. (am/is/are)

  7. This computer __________ very fast. (is/are)

  8. You __________ always on time. (am/is/are)

  9. The weather __________ perfect today. (is/are)

  10. It __________ cold in the morning. (is/are)

2. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of "have" (10 exercises)

  1. I __________ a lot of homework today. (have/has)

  2. She __________ two brothers. (have/has)

  3. We __________ a big garden. (have/has)

  4. He __________ many friends. (have/has)

  5. They __________ a new car. (have/has)

  6. The dog __________ a blue collar. (have/has)

  7. Do you __________ a pen I can borrow? (have/has)

  8. She doesn’t __________ any money. (have/has)

  9. I __________ a headache right now. (have/has)

  10. We __________ lunch at 1 PM every day. (have/has)

3. Choose the correct form of "be" or "have" (10 exercises)

  1. He __________ a good singer. (is/has)

  2. I __________ very busy today. (am/have)

  3. They __________ many interesting books. (are/have)

  4. She __________ a beautiful dress. (is/has)

  5. We __________ at the beach right now. (are/have)

  6. He __________ a nice watch. (is/has)

  7. You __________ a great sense of humor. (are/have)

  8. It __________ always noisy here. (is/has)

  9. They __________ a dog. (have/are)

  10. I __________ tired. (am/have)

4. Rewrite the sentences using the correct form of "be" or "have" (10 exercises)

  1. I __________ a new phone.

  2. She __________ very good at sports.

  3. They __________ a lot of free time today.

  4. He __________ a doctor.

  5. We __________ at the park.

  6. You __________ many hobbies.

  7. It __________ a beautiful day.

  8. The children __________ very energetic.

  9. My sister __________ two cats.

  10. I __________ in the library right now.

5. Correct the mistakes in the sentences (10 exercises)

  1. He have a dog.

  2. They is happy to be here.

  3. She am a good student.

  4. I has a new bicycle.

  5. You is very tall.

  6. We have hungry right now.

  7. The weather are nice today.

  8. He have a big family.

  9. I is very tired today.

  10. They has two cars.

6. Match the sentences with the correct form of "be" or "have" (10 exercises)

  • am, have, has, are, is, am, is, are, is, are

  1. I __________ tired today.

  2. We __________ a lot of fun on weekends.

  3. She __________ a great personality.

  4. They __________ ready to go.

  5. This cat __________ long hair.

  6. I __________ three siblings.

  7. It __________ time to leave.

  8. They __________ at the beach right now.

  9. She __________ a doctor.

  10. We __________ hungry.

Short forms

1. Fill in the blanks with the correct short form of "am," "is," or "are" (10 exercises)

  1. She __________ a great cook.

  2. We __________ at the park right now.

  3. I __________ very tired today.

  4. They __________ ready for the trip.

  5. He __________ not here yet.

  6. The cat __________ on the roof.

  7. You __________ always so helpful.

  8. It __________ a beautiful day.

  9. My friends __________ coming over later.

  10. This book __________ interesting.

2. Rewrite the sentences using the correct short form of "am," "is," or "are" (10 exercises)

  1. She is happy about her new job.

    • She __________ happy about her new job.

  2. We are excited for the concert.

    • We __________ excited for the concert.

  3. I am not sure about the answer.

    • I __________ not sure about the answer.

  4. They are at the beach.

    • They __________ at the beach.

  5. He is a great teacher.

    • He __________ a great teacher.

  6. You are always late.

    • You __________ always late.

  7. It is too hot today.

    • It __________ too hot today.

  8. The kids are playing outside.

    • The kids __________ playing outside.

  9. She is not feeling well.

    • She __________ not feeling well.

  10. We are late for the meeting.

    • We __________ late for the meeting.

3. Choose the correct short form for each sentence (10 exercises)

  1. I __________ excited about the vacation. (’m/’s/’re)

  2. They __________ not at home right now. (’m/’s/’re)

  3. She __________ a wonderful artist. (’m/’s/’re)

  4. We __________ going to the cinema later. (’m/’s/’re)

  5. It __________ really cold outside. (’m/’s/’re)

  6. You __________ the best teammate ever. (’m/’s/’re)

  7. He __________ not interested in the game. (’m/’s/’re)

  8. The flowers __________ blooming beautifully. (’m/’s/’re)

  9. I __________ sure about the directions. (’m/’s/’re)

  10. They __________ late for their flight. (’m/’s/’re)

4. Rewrite the sentences using the correct short form (10 exercises)

  1. The children are playing in the park.

    • The children __________ playing in the park.

  2. I am tired after the long trip.

    • I __________ tired after the long trip.

  3. She is the manager of the team.

    • She __________ the manager of the team.

  4. We are going to a new restaurant.

    • We __________ going to a new restaurant.

  5. He is not interested in the movie.

    • He __________ not interested in the movie.

  6. They are always so friendly.

    • They __________ always so friendly.

  7. It is time to go home.

    • It __________ time to go home.

  8. You are very good at tennis.

    • You __________ very good at tennis.

  9. I am not feeling well today.

    • I __________ not feeling well today.

  10. The book is on the table.

    • The book __________ on the table.

5. Correct the mistakes in the sentences (’m/’s/’re) (10 exercises)

  1. She’m a great cook.

  2. We’re happy with the results.

  3. I’s not sure if I can come.

  4. They’s at the concert now.

  5. He’m the best player on the team.

  6. You’re really talented.

  7. It’s not a good idea.

  8. We’s excited about the news.

  9. She’m not interested in the project.

  10. They’s already left.

6. Match the sentences with the correct short form (10 exercises)

  • (’m/’s/’re)

  1. I __________ going to the store.

  2. They __________ happy with their new home.

  3. She __________ in the kitchen.

  4. We __________ ready to leave.

  5. It __________ a nice day.

  6. You __________ always so helpful.

  7. He __________ late for work.

  8. The kids __________ excited about the trip.

  9. She __________ very tired.

  10. We __________ not sure what to do.

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